Leadership message

Festival aims to provide the right balance of Jewish films

I have always loved going to the movies. We lived outside New York City when I was growing up and made frequent expeditions to NY’s revival houses—The Theatre 80 St. Marks; The Elgin; The Bleeker Street Cinema—where my parents introduced us to the world of golden oldies. A Night at the…

Edmonton teens visit partnership region in Israel

After a week of meaningful ceremonies and celebrations for Israel at 75, I can’t help but marvel at how our community shows up. New volunteers are being mentored by experienced ones to guarantee activities persist and expand, and community members are being welcomed at multiple events and …

Jewish Edmonton celebrates its unique relationship with Israel

“Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy, and it honours the sword of freedom.” President John …

Raise your flags high for remembrance and celebration

There are times I marvel at what incredible times we are living through. This weekend I will join in a panel on religious freedoms, from a Jewish community leadership outlook, with a lens to why religion is significant to the community. If you are looking for a break from the sunny weather t…

Our Edmonton Jewish community has much to be proud of

Dear friends,  

Occasionally over the past month, I have had a young Jewish male exclaim, “I have to tell my mother about this!” This came up in conversations about antisemitism in Israel/Diaspora relations or by the Shine a Light mosaic at the Edmonton Oilers hockey game (Sharks fans…